Page 10 - Science class 4
P. 10

Animals  like  crabs,  tortoise

                                                                                     and snails have shells.
                                                                                     Porcupines  have  spines  to

                                                                                     protect themselves from their

                       Walking stick           Lizard                  Snail         enemies.

                    Some  animals  like  grasshopper,  garden

                    lizard, snake etc. develop special adaptations
                    called  camouflage         .  Camouflage  help  the
                    animals to hide from its predators and preys.

                    These  animals  change  their  skin  colour  to
                    blend with their surroundings.                                        Snake                Scorpion

                      Strange but true

                     ¤  This is a mind-boggling fact–for each of the 600 million people there is

                          about 200 million insects.
                     ¤  The  world  has  approximately  one  billion  cattle  of  which  about  200

                          million live in India.

                     Scientific Terms

                     Aquatic                :     Those who live in water
                     Migrate                :     to change one's place for some reasons

                     Nervous system  :            brain and all nerves in the body

                     Scanty                 :     a very small quantity

                     Sense organ            :     a specialized organ which functions as a receptor

                     Amphibian              :     Those who can live in land and water both

                     Chapter at a Glance

                      ³ Animals can adapt themselves to their habitat, to the food they eat and for their

                      ³ Animals can be grouped as terrestrial, aquatic, amphibian, arboreal and aerial
                          according to their habitat.

                      ³ Animals also migrate or hibernate to survive in cold weather conditions.

                      ³ Animals  can  survive  in  different  conditions  by  adapting  themselves  to
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