Page 7 - Science class 4
P. 7

Aquatic Animals

                    Aquatic habitat is any place filled with water in which plants or animals live. It
                    can be in fresh water or in salty seawater. Aquatic animals have certain distinct

                    features which help them to live in water, like :

                                 Turtle                             Octopus                              Whale

                    ±  Most of the aquatic animals have gills to breathe. A few may have lungs.

                    ±  They  have  fins  and  tails  which  help  them  in  swimming  with  water

                    ±  They have slender-shaped bodies which help them to live under deep

                    ±  Some water birds have webbed feet or paddle-like flippers as in turtles.

                        Turtle, whale, shark, water-snake, snail, octopus, starfish etc. are the
                        examples of aquatic animals. Blue whale                   is the largest water animal.


                    Amphibians are the animals that live partly in water and partly on land. They

                    get their food in water and come on land to lay eggs.

                    These animals have distinct features which are suited both on land and in

                    They have limbs to move and swim.

                    They have gills and lungs to respire in water and on the land respectively. They

                    have moist skin to breathe in water.

                                Crocodile                            Tortoise                             Frog
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12