Page 8 - Science class 4
P. 8

Amphibians  are  generally  cold-blooded                               Knowledge Plus

                    animals.  They  cannot  bear  extreme  cold
                    weather.  So,  they  undergo  a  sleeping                     The bird Arctic tern makes the
                                                                                  longest migration.
                    period in winter which is called hibernation              .

                    The animal like frog, toad, tortoise, crocodile, alligator, salamander etc. live

                    both on land and in water.

                    Aerial Animals
                    Aerial animals are those that spend most of their time in air.

                    Such animals have hollow bones and wings to fly. They have boat-shaped

                    bodies which help them in flying.

                                  Vulture                          Ostrich                                Bat

                    They spend most of the time in air in search of food.
                                                                                                       Deciding Factor
                    Some of the birds fly long distances. Some birds come
                    to the land or trees only to lay their eggs. Some birds                    What do you think, is
                    migrate from one place to another with the change in                       an ostrich a terrestrial

                    weather. These birds are known as migratory birds                   .      or an aerial animal?

                    Arboreal Animals

                    Land animals that live mostly on trees are called arboreal animals.

                    The animals like monkey, ape, koala and squirrel are arboreal animals.
                    Perching birds have different types of claws to hold the branches of trees.

                    Monkeys have long arms and tail for climbing and hanging on trees.

                                  Koala                                Ape                              Squirrel
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