Page 5 - Science class 4
P. 5

Terrestrial or Land Animals

                    Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals. These animals have
                    certain distinct features for life on land. They have legs or limbs to move, lungs

                    to breathe, hairy or thick skin to bear heat and cold, well developed nervous
                    system and sense organs.

                    Terrestrial animals can be categorized into Polar animals, Desert animals,
                    Grassland animals and Forest animals.

                    1.  Polar Animals

                          The North and the South poles of the Earth are very cold regions. These
                          places are known as polar areas            .

                          Snow and ice cover the polar areas most of the year. Animals living in
                          these places look different in each season.

                          Polar animals grow heavy fur in winter. They shed much of their fur in

                          These animals have also heavy fat deposits under their skin which protect

                          them from cold climate.
                          Polar bear    , musk ox seal walrus   ,   ,    and penguin      are adapted to live in these


                                 Penguin                           Polar Bear                             Camel
                    2.     Desert Animals

                          Desert areas receive scanty           means very less rainfall.

                          These areas are hot and dry.

                          Animals living in deserts are adapted to survive with little water.
                          They get water from their food. Animals like camel drink a lot of water at a


                          They can live without food and water for many days.
                          Animals, like camel, has padded feet to move swiftly on hot sand. They

                          have humps on their back which store fat. Fat gives them energy when
                          they do not get food or water for many days.

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