Page 14 - Science class 4
P. 14

2         Reproduction in Animals

                                        l  Reproduction in animals
                             Inside     l  Ways of reproduction
                            Chapter          (a)  Animals that give birth to their young ones
                                             (b) Animals that lay eggs.

                    On this Earth, every creature or living being
                    live for a very short time. Living things do
                    not live for ever. They die after completing

                    their lifespam. For life to go on, living things
                    must  produce  more  of  their  own  kind.

                    Hence,  we  can  say  new  living  beings
                    resembling the parents are produced.

                    Have you seen a kitten or a puppy following

                    its parents? Have you seen cute little chicks
                    following the mother hen?

                    Reproduction is important for life to be continued on the Earth.

                                                       WAYS OF REPRODUCTION OF REPRODUCTION OF REPRODUCTION
                                                       Animals reproduce in two ways :
                                                       ±  Some animals give birth to the young ones. For

                                                              Example Humans, cats and cows give birth to
                                                              their young ones.

                    ±  While some others lay eggs from which the young ones hatch out. For

                           Example Frogs, hens and snakes lay eggs out of which babies hatch.

                    Animals that give birth to their young ones
                    Animals that give birth to their young onesthat give birth to their young ones
                    There are several animals which do not lay eggs.

                    They give birth to their young ones.

                    Animals which give birth to their young ones and feed them on their milk are
                    called mammals        .

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