Page 17 - Science class 4
P. 17

days,  they  start  growing  legs.  This  is  called  a
                    metamorph.  A  metamorph  grows  into  a  young
                    frog which looks more like its parent. The adult

                    frog  does  not  have  a  tail.  It  lives  on  land  and
                                                                                             Eggs              Metamorph
                    reproduces in water.

                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                              The process of change of a tadpole into
                              an adult is called metamorphosis.
                                                                                                Life-cycle of a frog
                                                         All insects develop from eggs. Some insects like
                                                         cockroaches and grasshoppers pass through three
                         Grasshopper        Butterfly
                                                         stages (egg, nymph and adult) in their life-cycle.
                                                         Other insects like butterflies and houseflies pass

                                                         through four stages (egg, larva, pupa and adult) in
                         Cockroach          Housefly
                                                         their life-cycle.
                           Fact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact FileFact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact File
                           Fact FileFact File
                           Fact File
                              ¤  The smallest living mammal is a shrew with a body about 2 inches
                              ¤  The young one of grasshopper is called nymph that resembles its
                                  parent just after hatching.

                     Scientific Terms
                     Embryo                :  a young organism in the first stage of development
                     Hatching              :  to lay eggs and keep them warm

                     Life cycle            :  various stages of development of a living being
                     Metamorphosis  :  the rapid transformation from larva to adult form

                     Nymp                  :  an insect that comes out from an egg
                     Tadpole               :  larva of frog

                     Chapter at a Glance

                      ³     All animals produce young ones of their own kind but the ways are different.
                      ³     Some animals give birth to young ones and others lay eggs.
                      ³     Some animals take care of their young ones while others do not.

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