Page 21 - Science class 4
P. 21

Unit-II : Flora World
                                                        Process of Food
                                            3         Making in Plants

                                        l  Chlorophyll

                                        l  Structure of a leaf                                    Sunlight              Oxygen
                             Inside     l  How do leaves prepare food for a plant?
                               the      l  How do plants use the food made
                            Chapter                                                             Carbon
                                             by the plants?                                     dioxide
                                        l  Relationship between plantsand animals                    Water            Glucose
                                        l  Some unusual plants


                    Most plants that you see around are green in colour.
                    They  appear  green  due  to  the  presence  of  a

                    substance  called  chlorophyll  in  their  leaves.
                    Chlorophyll helps the leaves to trap the sun's energy

                    and make food. Plants are often called 'our green
                    friends'  because  we  depend  on  them  for  several

                    things like wood, food, oxygen, oil etc. Green leaves
                    of the plant are called the 'Food factories' or 'Kitchen'
                    of a plant. The process by which green leaves make

                    food in the presence of sunlight using chlorophyll,
                    carbon dioxide and water is called photosynthesis                  .

                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                             Extra water present in the plant is given out through the stomata. This
                             process is called transpiration.
                         Petiole    Midrib                 STRUCTURE OF A LEAFSTRUCTURE OF A LEAFSTRUCTURE OF A LEAF
                                               Leaf Blade
                                                           If we look at a leaf closely, we will see that it has a
                                                           flat part called the leaf blade        . The tip of the leaf is

                                                           called leaf apex       . A mid vein or midrib            is seen

                                                           running through the middle of the leaf. There are
                         Small netted veins                a number of side veins emerging from the midrib.
                               Structure of a Leaf
                                                               Discover  22  Science/4
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