Page 24 - Science class 4
P. 24

This carbon dioxide is used by the plants to make their food. This is why, we

                    need to take good care of plants and we should not cut down plants and trees.

                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific ThirstQuenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                           Quenching Scientific Thirst
                             The atmosphere contains very, little amount of carbon dioxide. Plants
                             get most of it from animals who breathe it out.
                    SOME UNUSUAL PLANTS

                    Mushrooms   moulds,            and   fungi  are  non-green  plants.  They  do  not  have
                    chlorophyll. They cannot made their own food. They get their food from the

                    decaying dead plants and animals.

                          Mushrooms                  Croton Plant              Dodder Plant                   Cactus

                    Some plants like croton          has colourful leaves (mostly red). These plants have
                    green colour but that is hidden by the other colour. These plants are able to

                    prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight.

                    Plants like dodder        (Amarbel) cannot make their own food. They depend on

                    other green plants. They use the food prepared by other green plants.

                    Some plants like the cactus do not have leaves. Then, where is their food
                    made? It is made in their green stems. Cactus is generally found in the desert

                    area where very less amount of water is found. Cactus uses the food stored in

                    fleshy stems for its growth and survival even in the absence of water.

                              Keeping Update

                      ¤  Starch is stored in the form of sugar.

                      ¤  5 June is the World Environment Day, celebrated throughout the world
                           by planting more and more plants.
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