Page 27 - Science class 4
P. 27

B.  Answer the following questions briefly :

                           1.  Name the green pigment present in the leaves.
                           2.  Through which process do plants make their food?

                           3.  Name any one unusual plant.

                           4.  Where do plants store their extra food?

                               One Among All Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
                               One Among All Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

                           Tick ( ) the right option :ü

                           1.  The tiny pores on the surface of a leaf are known as ___________                   .

                                (a)  pistil                                          (b)  chlorophyll

                                (c)  stomata                                         (d)  stamen

                           2.  Leaves release ________          into atmosphere during photosynthesis.

                                (a)  carbon dioxide                                  (b)  oxygen

                                (c)  hydrogen                                        (d)  water
                           3.  The green colour of leaves is due to a pigment called __________                  .

                                (a)  stamen                                          (b)  chlorophyll

                                (c)  pistil                                          (d)  stomata

                           4.  An example of a non-green plant is ___________                 .

                                (a)  cactus                                          (b)  mould

                                (c)  croton                                          (d)  all of these

                            High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)

                           1.  A plant kept in dark turns pale. Why?

                           2.  Why are green plants put in an aquarium?

                               Learn ‘N’ Fun

                           Complete the following diagram  :

                                                  "FOOD MAKING" : REQUIREMENTSFOOD MAKING" : REQUIREMENTSFOOD MAKING" : REQUIREMENTS
                                                  " "

                              S Sunlight                                                                    C Carbon dioxide
                                                                                                            Carbon dioxidearbon dioxide
                                                                      Water (Soil)Water (Soil)Water (Soil)
                               (S (Sun)                                                                     (Atmosphere)tmosphere)
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