Page 15 - Science class 4
P. 15

A bat feeding              A woman bathing            A mare feeding             A bitch feeding
                        its young one                  her baby                   its colt                 its puppies

                    These animals are the most highly developed among all animals. Their body is
                    covered with hair.

                    These animals carry the young ones within their bodies till they are fully developed

                    to be born.

                    Mammals take good care of their young ones. They feed them, clean them
                    and    keep them safe until they have learnt to look after themselves.

                    Some examples of mammals are cats, horse, goats, elephants, rabbits and

                    Bat is the only mammal that can fly.  It also gives birth to young ones. It does
                    not make a nest and lives in old buildings or caves. The mother bat feeds and
                    takes care of the baby bats.

                    Animals that Lay Eggsthat Lay Eggsthat Lay Eggs
                    Some animals that lay eggs are fish, insects
                    and birds. Some young ones, that come out
                    after hatching look like the parent animals.

                    Some look very different at birth. But as
                                                                                                     Egg shell
                    they grow, they look like their parents.
                    Birds build nests only when they want to lay
                                                                                  A bird in
                    eggs. A nest keeps the eggs and the baby                      the nest    Air sac
                    birds safe.                                                         Structure of a bird's egg

                    A bird's egg has a hard, outer shell to protect the chick growing inside. The

                    mother keeps the egg warm by sitting on it.

                    This is called incubation            . The embryo or the growing chick lies in the
                    yellow part of the egg called yolk                 . The embryo feeds on the yolk as it
                    grows. The jelly white like part is called albumen                     . It protects the embryo.
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